Thursday, February 7, 2013

100th Day of School

We have had so much fun on the 100th day of school! Here are a few pictures of some of the fun things we did...

We were surprised with streamers and glittery 100th day pencils when we came in to help us with our "secret code" for morning work.

100 smarties...

100 "googly" eyes...

100 valentines...

100 "blinging" things...
We had to figure out the secret code when we came in...

Happy 100th Day of School!

Max and Donavan making their 100th day snacks...(thank you again to everyone who contributed)

Race to find 100 words!

Life in 100 Days interview...(I will be sending these home in their books at the end of the year, and they will also be up outside our wall next week if you plan on attending the Valentines Day Party)

Jude Koch

Ian O'Daniel

Addison Baker

Kenny Harville

"My 100 Book "(Parents-these will be going home on Friday. Make sure you read them, they will definitely make you smile.) :)

"My parents told me 100 times to......" -Kenzie 

"My teacher told me 100 times to..." -Bettie

"If I had 100 dollars I would..."  -Addison

-Miss Dudik


  1. What fun 100th day activities!

  2. Looks like you all had a wonderful 100 day of school
